Update 2024-2025
This year WWM have 1 student on a year 12 scholarship at BHSOH and 1 student completing year 12 at Regents International School in Pattaya, on an International school scholarship. We are proud of our students who graduated last year, or sat exams and moved to post year 12 study.
WWM are no longer awarding new scholarships, instead are working directly with the schools and organisations to assist in the development of vocational training to give students the tools and qualifications to find proper work.
WWM are also working with Community Partners to improve the conditions of young people living on the Thai-Myanmar border. Please refer to the Community Partners page.
Nourish Educate Care

Implementation of lunch farms in 7 schools
Implementation of school lunch program for 8 schools for 900 children
Facilitation of child sponsorships
Provision of milk and milk formula for all infant and small children from Koh Phi Phi for 3 years
2009-2019 Thai/Myanmar Border
Development of mushroom growing and libraries in Migrant Learning Centers along the border
Support for Migrant Learning Centre, Children’s Development and Training Centre and Hway Ka Loke Boarding House including utilities, teacher salaries, rent, meals, transport and hygiene for up to 390 students at any one time.
Working with Community Partners to in the building and fitting out of a computer lab, sewing room and the necessary instruction
Maggie’s Milk Money (MMM) to provide fortified milk for students 10 years and under
Vanessa’s sustainable feminine hygiene program for female students that grew into a “Days for Girls” distribution program.
Scholarships for CDTC students for years 9-12 to complete their education
Development of a Remote English Program in 2017
Intensive English Camps to assist students in gaining confidence speaking English
2008-2018 Chonburi/Rayong Province
Micro-economic development programs in collaboration with Community Partners to install Fish Farms for families with children with disabilities
Baan Kru Boon Choo Centre
Providing physical therapy via qualified volunteers
Providing a salary for a “special needs teacher”, staff development, educational support and therapy equipment
Providing desktop computers with specialized Autism programs for individual student development
Mentoring and leadership program for principle and staff
2019-Present Thai Myanmar Border
42 scholarships awarded grades 9-12
1 student received an International School Scholarship in Thailand
30 students in the Remote English Learning program
105 students attended English Camp 2019
40 students participated in our Mentoring program
420 students attended our Career Pathways Conference
30+ volunteer support
1 student in a full Nursing Aid scholarship in Yangon
4 students received part funding for their initial university enrolment to Asian University for Women
49 students from 2 MLC's going through our mentoring program.