Update 2024-2025
This year WWM have 1 student on a year 12 scholarship at BHSOH and 1 student completing year 12 at Regents International School in Pattaya, on an International school scholarship. We are proud of our students who graduated last year, or sat exams and moved to post year 12 study.
WWM are no longer awarding new scholarships, instead are working directly with the schools and organisations to assist in the development of vocational training to give students the tools and qualifications to find proper work.
WWM are also working with Community Partners to improve the conditions of young people living on the Thai-Myanmar border. Please refer to the Community Partners page.
Nourish Educate Care

Remote English Learning
In 2017, WWM piloted a Remote English Learning program. We had six volunteer tutors from various parts of Thailand reading English with 12 students from grade 10 to 12.
The Remote English Learning has progressed to video calls on Messenger which made the learning program more interactive. We now have volunteer tutors from all parts of the world!
This program depends on volunteers who are able to commit to an hour every week to communicate with 1-3 students. It may involve listening to students read with a discussion following or conversation about preset topics. Be a volunteer
Get Involved HERE.
Onsite English Learning
We have organised a 2-day "Gaining Confidence in English" camp each year since 2017 covering over 100 students from various Migrant Learning Centres supported by our dedicated volunteers.
Our focus for the future is to visit Migrant Learning Centres to meet with students on site for small group English Learning Support.
Get Involved HERE.
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